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- ■ AMOS Registration
- ┌───────────────────···
- │
- │ AMOS v3.10
- · Copyright (C) 1993-94 Allan Mertner
- · All rights reserved.
- ·
- *THANK* you for registering AMOS. It is vital that people register
- if I am to continue the development of AMOS.
- To register AMOS, fill out the registration form at the end of this
- document, and send it to the registration site. I prefer to receive
- it by netmail, if possible.
- Please note that you register AMOS as is and are not entitled to
- any upgrades or support. It is most likely that I will continue to
- work on AMOS, but it is also likely that any future release of
- AMOS will require an upgrade fee (See AMOS3.DOC).
- The registration fee for AMOS is A$ 47 for private users, and
- A$ 94 for commercial users.
- Add A$ 5 for conversion costs if not paying in Australian dollars.
- Prices include postage.
- All prices listed here are subject to change without prior
- notice. Up to date prices can be obtained by contacting the
- registration site or file requesting the latest AMOS version
- (magic name AMOS3) from one of the bbs's, the numbers
- of which are listed later in this file.
- If the amount is insufficient because of additional transfer
- costs or check bouncing, the registration cannot be accepted.
- Keys will be sent by snail mail only, using a 3.5" disk. Under
- normal circumstances, you will receive your registered copy of AMOS
- within a week after the registration fee has arrived.
- AMOS v3 will never be cheaper than it is today.
- You can send all comments, questions, remarks, bug reports,
- suggestions, requests, registration forms and fees to/via the
- registration sites.
- ■ Discounts!
- ┌────────────···
- │
- │ If you register AMOS v1.x og AMOS v3.x simultaneously, using the
- · registration form below, you are entitled to lower prices. If you
- · previously purchased an AMOS v1.x license, you can buy AMOS v3 at
- · a favorable upgrade price (Private licenses only):
- A$
- Price, AMOS v1.x 47
- Price, AMOS v3.x 47
- Price, AMOS v1.x AND v3.x 69
- Price, upgrade to 3.x from 1.x 38
- ■ Registration site Oz
- ┌──────────────────────···
- │
- │ Adrian Collings
- · Unit 26, 332 Handford Road
- · Taigum Qld 4034
- · Australia
- Voice Ph: +61-7-265-2439
- BBS: The OS/2 Cellar BBS +61-7-216-2539 (V.Fast)
- Fidonet: 3:640/208
- If you are not an Australian resident, please use the appropriate
- registration form instead of this one.
- ■Notes on the registration form
- ┌───────────────────────────────
- │
- │ When filling out the registration form below, please return to these
- · remarks for more information on a certain question. The numbers given
- · here match those in the registration form below.
- ·
- (1) These texts are used to generate your registration key.
- Include separate lists when registering multiple copies.
- (2) International Money Orders and Cheques MUST be in the
- currency of the registration site.
- (3) Please note that it is not advisable to send cash by snail mail
- and that I assume no responsibility whatsoever as to the
- consequences of using this method of payment. Bank cheques or
- Postal Money Orders are preferred.
- (4) Operating system version, kernel revision. Any network
- software or service packs installed.
- (5) CPU type, RAM size, HD size, video card, etc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please send the following page only.
- ■ AMOS v3.10 Registration Form
- ┌──────────────────────────────···
- │
- │ Company Name: _________________________________________________ (1)
- ·
- · User name: _________________________________________________ (1)
- ·
- Postal address: _________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________
- Payed by: [ ] Cheque (2) [ ] Postal money order (2)
- [ ] Cash (3)
- AMOS v1.x : ______________ x _______________ = ______________
- AMOS v3.x : ______________ x _______________ = ______________
- AMOS v1.x & v3.x : ______________ x _______________ = ______________
- Upgrade from 1.x : ______________ x _______________ = ______________
- Extra costs: Postage A$ 5 ______________ (4)
- Total amount: ______________
- [ ] I understand and agree to the terms of the license as outlined in
- the documentation enclosed with the package: my registration is
- for the purpose of obtaining a license to use AMOS. This
- license does not grant me any rights of ownership of the software,
- or any rights to the copyright.
- I agree not to distribute registered or beta versions of AMOS
- without prior written permission of the registration site.
- Date: __________________________
- Signature: ____________________________________
- The following information is optional. Fill it in to keep me happy.
- Voice phone: _______________________________________________________
- Node Number(s): _______________________________________________________
- Data Phone: _______________________________________________________
- OS Version: ___________________________________________________ (4)
- Hardware: ___________________________________________________ (5)
- ___________________________________________________
- Where did you
- obtain AMOS? : _______________________________________________________
- How should I _______________________________________________________
- improve AMOS?
- _______________________________________________________